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Emergency Notice : School not only helps students learn necessary concepts and skills,  but it also allows students to interact with other students  socially, academically, and emotionally.

Financial Literacy Education and Paying for College

According to the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s 2019 Best Practices for Financial Literacy at Institutions of Higher Education report, effectively engaging students and providing clear, timely, and customized information about student borrowing could be keys to reducing poor financial outcomes. Individuals who receive personal finance education in line with their goals may be more likely to retain the information and use it to make informed decisions. Capitalizing on motivation by providing relevant personal finance education to students at postsecondary institutions makes it more likely that they will put that knowledge to good use. In addition, this report puts emphasis on the significance of choice of major and graduation. Early decisions, like choosing a major, and equating that field’s expected return with the cost of attendance could save some student loan borrowers from default.

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